Posted By: Admin on Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Easy Drumming That Sounds Hard

Practicing drums is the single biggest issue almost every drummer faces since the invention of the drum set in the early 1900s. The growth of population density in cities around the world has only aggravated it since most citizens have to live in apartments. This makes it almost impossible to practice in an apartment with an acoustic drum set. Let’s face it, drums are loud and obnoxious. Unless you’re trying to get evicted from the building you’re living in, you won’t want to bust out your acoustic drum set for a long, loud practice session. In order to solve this age-old issue, over the years many companies have developed products that allow drummers to practice at home by keeping noise levels to a minimum. More »

Posted By: Admin on Thursday, May 17, 2012

Easy Drumming That Sounds Hard

The time you spend practicing hand and foot technique, drum rudiments, drum beats and fills boils down to the moments you apply it all to music. Playing along to music is one of the coolest ways to practice and spend a hell of a good time behind a drum set. It helps develop your skill set a lot better because of its fun factor. However, there has to be a more structured approach to practicing with drum play-alongs; you have to do more than just jamming along. In this free live drum lesson Dave Atkinson addresses this topic by teaching how to use drum play-alongs and songs for improving virtually every aspect of your drumming. More »