Intermediate Single Pedal Bass Drum Speed

Bass Drum Boot Camp

This free drum lesson is the next natural step in developing speed with your bass drum foot. The exercises presented in this free drum lesson by Jared Falk are sure to foster your ability to play double and triple strokes with a single bass drum pedal. He also shares some extra tips on some of the techniques you can use to play double and triple strokes at slow and fast tempos. These exercises can be used to develop your weaker foot as well. Doing so is invaluable if you want to play double and triple stroke rolls with your feet at faster tempos.

This free drum lesson is directed to the intermediate drummer. A drummer who has developed his ability to play fast single strokes and is looking on further developing his bass drum control and speed. However, if you’re a beginner drummer, you can still use these exercises if you want to. Just make sure you keep practicing the exercises featured in the lesson on “Beginner Single Pedal Bass Drum Speed” as you work on these as well. Spend more time with the beginner lesson than with this one since it helps you develop the most essential of strokes.

As you work through these exercises remember to keep the strokes as consistent as possible. Focus on control first and foremost. Developing control at slower speeds will actually increase the speed at what you’re able to play your bass drum pedal. In the video, Jared talks about two techniques for playing fast double strokes – the slide technique and the heel-toe technique. You can learn how to play them both with the lesson “Bass Drum Speed Techniques“, and with the free drum lessons “Heel-Toe Technique” and “Slide Technique“.

Jared also discusses playing fast bass drum triple strokes with only one foot. He talks briefly about the technique he uses to play fast bass drum triple strokes with one foot. If you’d like to learn more about it, make sure you watch the free drum lesson “Bass Drum Triple Strokes.”

The patterns featured in this free drum lessons are all based on 16th notes. If you’re interested in developing your ability to play double strokes as 16th note triplets and 32nd notes then check the free drum lesson “Advanced Single Pedal Bass Drum Speed”.


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  • Timmy Douglass says:

    I watch videos everyday that so much from you thank you

  • Timmy Douglass says:

    I really appreciate your videos I learned so much from watching do you have any books coming out anytime soon

  • nick says:

    I guarente you couldnt do this on my pedals.

    • Matty says:

      When I first started I had the worst pedal known to man, after some practice I could do quick doubles and even tripples in my steel capped work boots.

  • That noob says:

    Hey Jared can did u remember like a year ago there was like a kind of training schedule on this page, its just that i finally bought my drum kit but now i dont realy know with which lesson i can beggin from the begginer section 😛

  • Ron says:

    Great lesson Jared! How long have you been drummin?

  • Rawaa says:

    The Roland mesh is sltihgly more durable, since it is doubled layered, but as far as I know, you can use a pintech pad with roland mesh by just swapping the heads out.

  • Chris Motsinger says:

    the first beat was really cool dude, and i wanna use it for a song i was jamming out to it 🙂

    • Geraldo says:

      This band is one of the most under-rated metal bands ever They rock fukcin’ hard.. and you can actually understand what they are saying. Nice drum cover I could watch these all night!

  • Stefan says:

    Jared! I cant tell you how much these videos have helped me. This one has opened new doors. Im Stoked! Thanks Man! Keep It Up!

  • The Ferginator says:

    This guys set makes me not even want to be in the same room as my drum set.

  • eduardo sanpedro says:

    Hi jared, thanks,time to practice,great video lesson.

    • Aman says:

      Well, I have the ion drum rcekor. Now i use my TD-3. When i was using the ion drum rcekor with the PDX-8, I had no misses.

    • Hachani says:

      There are no rules for music, I could play Death metal on a 1930 s bebop kit if i wteand to, its all about if you like the sound or not, you should try to play the stuff you buy before you buy it.

  • gable dyer says:

    cool drum video

  • dale says:

    thanks. I wish I had this infomation a long time ago.

  • Danny says:

    Thanks for putting this video up! I have always wondered how to play fast triplets with a single pedal. Now with some practice i will be able to.

  • Ashane says:

    Hey,jared im having lot f prblms with my foot tecqniqs… so this lessons helps me alot.. thankxxx alot

  • Christian Ziegler says:

    Jared you just made me happy! I saw your heel-toe “hybrid” and I’m doing it the same way! Unfortunately not remotely as good as you but you just gave me confidence to keep working on it! I was not sure whether this technique might be a dead end.

    Thanks so much!

    • Rechelle says:

      b8 pros. they cost a liltte more than the zbts but trust me its worth it, i think zildjian cymbals break easier but u should try trx cymbals, its a newer brand and im switching to them soon

  • Christian Ziegler says:

    Hey Jared,

    I tend to use heel-toe at a much (not sure how much) slower tempo for doubles. I’m not so sure about 80 bpm but watching it, it feels like I would play it with heel-toe. Have you ever tried that? I think there is a bpm range where you can use both, although the execution of heel-toe feels a little different due to the increased break between strokes. I’m not even sure if it’s the proper heel-toe as it seems at slower tempos it is really the heel that executes the stroke.

    I have to try that groove at 80 bpm not using heel-toe soon to see how it feels.


  • Alex says:

    Oh great job, the single pedal bass drum triplet…
    Thank you guys for explaining this

  • Greg Patterson says:

    This has been around a very long time. Colin Bailey’s bass drum control book uses these techniques.
    It’s nice to see you’re using another technique, besides heel toe.

  • Kuba says:

    it’s time to practice my feet technique….it’s great !

    • Sathiya says:

      shout? shoutEngland are outTHey sercod a goal?but it dident countCome onIM talking to ucome onn scotland wembly wizzards we would come tae england fur a match but ye english scum would come no where nere glasga

  • Jared Falk says:

    Hey everyone! Let’s talk about this lesson here. What do you think of it?

    • Romina says:

      You aalculty make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something that I think I would never understand. It seems too complicated and very broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I will try to get the hang of it!

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