Broken Hi-Hat Concepts

Easy Drumming That Sounds Hard

Most rock music is based on the 8th note pulse. Playing 8th notes on the hi-hat all the time is almost a given for every beginner rock drummer. Much like the bass drum and the snare drum, you can use the hi-hat to emphasize parts from different instruments. Vocal, piano and guitar parts, which are usually higher pitched, really benefit from a drummer who’s able to complement their rhythmic output with syncopated rhythms on the hi-hat. With that in mind, Jared Falk designed this lesson to teach you how to free up your hi-hat hand to play whatever 8th note- and 16th note-based rhythms. If you’re a fan of Carter Beauford‘s broken hi-hat stuff, you’re going to love what this free drum lesson will do for your drumming.

The sheet music we provide you with features 15 rhythms based on 8th notes and 16th notes. The idea here is that you permutate the different rhythms while keeping a simple snare and bass drum pattern going at first – bass drum on counts 1 and 3, and snare drum on counts 2 and 4. A permutation is a mathematical term that basically means the various ways you can arrange objects of a given set into a particular order. In a bar of 4/4 time, you can permutate these 15 rhythms into 50625 different broken hi-hat patterns. Trying to play all 50625 hi-hat permutations can be a bit overwhelming. You can if you want to, but we highly encourage you to just randomly pick 4 that interest you and go from there. For more ideas on how to put these 15 rhythms together, watch the free drum lesson “Broken Hi-Hat Drum Beats.”

Once you’re able to play a permutation at different tempos with confidence, you can start messing around with the snare and bass drum patterns. Take different snare and bass drum patterns from our collection of free drum lessons and combine them with the broken hi-hat permutation you’re working on. Check the free drum lesson “Beginner Linear Drum Beats” for some simple but cool snare and bass drum patterns. If you want patterns that are a bit more challenging, then the free drum lesson “Intermediate Ghost Notes” is a great option for you.

You can use this concept for making your own odd-time signature-based broken hi-hat drum beats as well. For instance, you can take 5 rhythms from the sheet music and mix them to create a 5/4 broken hi-hat drum beat. Then, go to the free drum lessons on 5/4 odd-time signature that we have on this website, and combine all the snare and bass drum patterns from them with the 5/4 broken hi-hat permutation you came up with. Another cool way to spice up this concept is to break the hi-hat permutation between two different surfaces, like the ride cymbal and the hi-hat for instance. The possibilities are quite endless with this free drum lesson. Enjoy!


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  • Saul says:

    – Patricia Jesten THAT is amazing!!!! Nicole Harding Chapell Awesome is more fitntig for this image how on earth as we going to choose from the other hundreds you too Dawn? We can’t believe how well you captured himTracy Tinnirello I love them so precious it brought tears to my eyes. Lynn Ryan Johnson Great pictures!! Carol Yosco Harding Unbelievable .. A picture is worth a thousand words .. Emily Williams Ruesch ~ What an awesome picture Kristin Ellis ~ This is such a beautiful picture. You’re right she’s an absolutely wonderful photographer.William Perritt ~ That’s a keeper.Mindy Hymes Stovall ~ Amazing love it:) Janeen Tobin Graham ~ LOVE a newborn baby (ok, any baby’s) bum. he’ll love that photo when he’s a rockstar Sarah Chapell ~ This is SO adorable!!!!!!! Rebecca Luraschi ~ I cant believe this picture! Deb Pertgen Shea ~ I love it. Maureen Emerson Stills ~ What a adorable photo!!! Can’t wait to see more!!!

  • Rillary says:

    Does the type of peddle cahnge the difficulty of the technique? I use a DW5000 double peddle. I feel like the board is on the heavier side. Where as it looks like the Axis or Trick peddle boards on thinner. Im sure the bearings and the type of drive might effect it as well.

  • Suraj says:

    Hey Jared, i had a doubt about the counting technique in our mind. I got used to counting like “Dhin chik thak chik” instead of “1 and 2 and”. Is it alright or i’ll have to change my habit? Please help.Thanks

  • Marcus says:

    Great lesson. Thank you.
    I wish for a lesson about using the Ride-cymbal in different ways, different grooves, and styles and accenting with the bell. I think this is only lesson I realy miss here :O)

  • Joseph from Vancouver says:

    cow bay! this is just a great lesson~ what a great concept !

    Thanks,Jared 🙂

    • Peter says:

      D. – Dawn, we had a great time. This image is precisely what we tuhhgot it would be and more. Thanks for your time, we appreciate it and look forward to coming out and seeing the rest of the art I mean photos.D.

  • itzahiana says:

    D: Oh! y Good is amazing ♥ amo a ese tipo es genial y amo a esta pagina 😀

    • Claudio says:

      Not sure about this Graham: let’s say a snare transient caesus the compressor go to 6dB reduction. The compressor will revert completely to 0dB reduction (with a curve that depends on the compressor make) only after the release time has finished. This is how I know a compressor works.In your video the release time is half a second, so the snare tail will definitely be affected by some degree of level reduction, again depending on what shape the release curve has, but it will be affected.

  • Yute says:

    great lesson as always…1Love!!!

    • Haruna says:

      Copied from youtube:Hi, there’s snihtemog I don’t get here: let’s say the transient region is 3dB louder than the tail sound. The compressor release is set to around 0.5 seconds. So, the compressor level reduction shouldn’t be get back to non compressed level until 0.5s elapses, but the snare sound is surely shorter than that. So, how can this be working the way you explained it? When the transient comes, the compressor takes 0.5s to recover, so the snare tail is reduced too. Am I missing snihtemog?

  • isman from Malaysia says:

    greetings Mr Jared Falk!

    i can see that technique you show in that video is like a rock linear drum pattern. is it? or not I’m not sure but it’s cool though! thank you for your guidance sir!

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