How To Read A Polyrhythm Chart

Easy Drumming That Sounds Hard

Understanding and playing polyrhythms can be a real challenge if you don’t have the best set of tools to do so. You can use traditional music notation to help you out, but that can actually make your learning process that much harder. So, with this free drum lesson, Dave Atkinson teaches you how to use and decipher the notation from the Time Unit Box System (TUBS), a great system for simplifying the relationships between complex rhythms, and how to expand on the polyrhythms he’ll be teaching you about in this series of free drum lessons on polyrhythms.

Before watching this free video drum lesson, it’s essential that you take some time to understand exactly what’s a polyrhythm. To help you out we put together the free drum lesson “What Is A Polyrhythm“. Watching that video and reading the write-up that’s just below the video-screen will teach you exactly what are polyrhythms and give you a better understanding of how to interpret them. This will in turn enable you to create your own polyrhythms freely. Understanding how to interpret polyrhythms is crucial if you want to notate them accurately with TUBS, and understand the content from this free drum lesson as well.